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The beginnings in art were very early, I grew up in an artistic environment under the influence of amateur painters parents and immediately together with my sisters I began to explore the world of art with different plastic materials. I worked with clay in my youth and years later in Argentina I studied the secrets of this material for three years. The art of painting that I had not yet explored and that I carried within, led me to take different courses for 6 years with artists from my town, Ciudad Real, learning various techniques: oil, acrylic, watercolor and self-taught waxes and pastels. oil.

I was born in a world of women and my development was also in feminine environments, so when I start scribbling on paper I draw women. I seek to express beauty in both interior and exterior women, whatever their culture, which is why I paint women from different countries with their costumes, their painted faces and their customs according to the culture and race to which they belong. This is a way of expressing my feminism and my intercultural spirit.

Emotional situations such as affection, embraces, conspiratorial glances, disaffection, doubts, daydreams, etc. .. give expressiveness to my paintings and arise from within me. I have been drawing and painting all these years with enthusiasm, with the pleasure that it means for me to create with my own style. Working intensely on drawings that come out of me or adaptations of photos.

But what would stand out in all my paintings is the colors that is vivid, expressive and luminous, expressing my positive spirit.


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