
Paolo Tocchini

  • National Exposure
  • Experienced Artist
  • Collector's Pick
  • Works on commission
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“ A brush and easel have always accompanied me throughout life. ”

Paolo Tocchini was born in Livorno and soon began his painting career, showing a great interest in drawing and embarking on a cultural path that saw him, from a young age, committed to representing reality through the lenses of his refined and extraordinary sensitivity.
In his painting we can read the study linked, as for the great artists of the past, to black sculpture. In his works we find the search for new perspective solutions inspired by Cubism, Expressionism and Fauvism.

After having frequented local artists and having dealt with them, in his latest works it is possible to see how Tocchini has, through the play of reflections and colors, brought to light a hidden feeling that can be read by everyone with ease and at the same time strong emotional and visual impact.

In his painting we read immediately a study linked, as in the past the great artists did, to black sculpture. In fact, in his works we find the search for new perspective solutions inspired by cubism, expressionism and Fauvism. His works bring to light a hidden feeling that can be read easily but at the same time with a strong emotional impact and visual, through the play of reflections and colors.

His works have been exhibited in Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Florence, Milan, Rimini


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